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Maa-alune maailm
Põlevkivi kaevandamise mõju Ida-Virumaa asumite kujunemisele


An evaluation of technological overburden thickness
Analysis of water removal parameters in mining sites
Computational groundwater monitoring and management system
Detection of Mine Collapses with Seismic Methods
Digitizing Mining Plans
Environmental impact of mining
Estonian oil shale resources calculated by GIS method
Explosives Handling
Geotechnical Processes and Soil-Water Movement with Transport of Pollutants
Influence of water discharging
Interpolation Techniques For Reserve Calculations
Low depth mining in Estonian oil shale deposit-Abbau von Ölschiefer in Estland
Map of oil shale mining history in Estonia I
Map of oil shale mining history in Estonia II
Mapping potential areas of ground subsidence in mining
Mine water and dewatering
Mine water as a potential source of energy
Mining Conditions for the Cement Industry
Mining influence on the environment
Mining influence on the water regime
Oil shale mining in Estonia and Russia
Oil Shale reserve calculations
Possibilities of mining under the mire
Post-stripping processes and the landscape of mined areas
Potential of underground minewater
Sustainable phosphate rock mining
Technogenic water in closed mines
The future of oil shale mining
The impact of infiltration dam
The origin and amounts of removal water
Underwater blasting experiments
Usage of underground minewater
Vegetation restoration on opencast oil shale mines
Water Quality in Maardu Phosphate Rock Mining Area